Anja Unger - Filmmaker (France)
For 25 years, Anja Unger researches, writes and directs documentaries in France. Given her German roots, she is naturally drawn to subjects implying intercultural aspects and historical questions. She started out with a feature length documentary on German identity for ARTE France and YLE Teema: Promenades entre chien et loup – une fantaisie filmique d’Allemagne. Her most recent documentary was a french-german co-production picturing the fate of children born into occupied Germany after the war: “Nés sous l’occupation: des bébés pour la France”, with partners France Télévision, SWR/ ARTE and ARD.
Anja Unger’s documentaries have been screened at various international festivals: Etats Généraux du Documentaire Lussas, FIPA Biarritz, Filmer à tout prix Brussels, Dok.Fest Munich, Nonfiktionale Bad Aibling, Images en Live Yaoundé, le Grand Bivouac Albertville, Ippokratis Kos, Sichuan TV Festival, Academia Film Olomouc.
Since 2021, Anja Unger is an executive board member of the French CMO La SCAM. Ever since working in the audiovisual industry she has been an active member in various associations: Femmes Cinema Audiovisuel (FCA, french chapter of Women in Film), AG DOK (German Documentary Association), ADDOC (French Documentary Association) co- organising in 2007 the gathering of European documentary filmmakers’ associations in Paris Un tour d’Europe.