28 European Ministers of Culture called upon to seize opportunity for fair remuneration for film and audiovisual authors
Representing creators from 78 countries, Writers & Directors Worldwide have drawn attention to the urgency of Europe to seize the opportunity to strengthen authors’ rights. W&DW has sent a letter to 28 European Parliament Ministers of Culture, encouraging the ministers to establish an unwaivable right to proportional remuneration for film and audiovisual authors when their works are used by digital services and other users. This would help screenwriters and directors to ensure they receive fair payment as online platforms continue to develop.
It is time for the European Union to unify and bring this success to its national and export markets. The model already exists in some European countries. Colombia and Chile have adopted laws bestowing this right. China is currently considering similar legislation.
The world looks for leadership from Europe, especially in authors’ rights. In Algiers, this was represented by the unanimous voice at the W&DW annual congress in Algiers requesting this letter be sent.
The letter encourages pro-creator votes supporting remuneration right in upcoming decisions:
European authors look to the Council of the European Union’s to adopt such a right in a formal revision proposal. They hope this will materialise soon.Authors worldwide have their eyes fixed on these important European dates. The global market needs a universal law in order to develop and facilitate the circulation and dissemination of works, for the benefit of all the actors in the creative chain.
Today in Algiers, African authors are delivering the same urgent message to their continent, which shows how it is more necessary than ever to send a strong European signal.