Writers & Directors Worldwide welcomes EU Copyright Directive vote for authors’ rights
Fair and proportionate remuneration moves closer to reality for authors in Europe while additional support is needed throughout the world
September 12th, 2018 – Representing audiovisual creators in 69 countries, Writers & Directors Worldwide (W&DW) today celebrates the vote by European Parliament for the EU Copyright Directive. The vote sends a strong signal to governments worldwide to establish fair remuneration for authors, particularly when works are used by the largest digital platforms.
W&DW President Horacio Maldonado said: "We have started years ago with the campaign for a fair remuneration for creators within the internet. It fills us with joy that today the European Parliament has listened to our voices for a large majority. This will generate the beginning of a global change that can only bring benefits for the generation of culture in all of its diversity all over the world."
W&DW Vice-President Yves Nilly said: “We thank European Parliament MEPs for listening to authors and to allow them to make a living from their works. With your help, we will shape the future of cultural diversity in Europe and on all continents.”