Latin America achieves new levels of partnership with the creation of FESAAL in Cuba
Scriptwriters, directors and theatrical drama authors across Latin America have a new federation to advocate for their right to live from their creations with the Latin American Audiovisual Authors’ Federation (FESAAL). More than ten collective management organisations from across Latin America comprise of the new non-profit federation, which is the result of the fusion of the Latin American alliances, the Alliance of Latin American Visual Directors (ADAL) and the Latin American Alliance of Scriptwriters and Playwrights (ALGyD). FESPAAL is an unprecedented breakthrough dedicated to strengthening and defending authors’ rights for scriptwriters and directors not only in the region, but around the world.
FESAAL was founded on December 12th during the 40th anniversary of the Havana International Festival of New Cinema. FESAAL’s creation, officially part of the festival, was also part of the Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Authors.

The federation continues the region’s history of supporting its authors. In Latin America, economic and technical help given by ADAL as well as ALGyD. Now with FESAAL, the two alliances and the federation will help emerging societies receive the possibility to allow authors to collectively organise themselves, acquire recognition of this right by governments, fight for having these rights recognised by law as well as have them protected by effective regulations.
During the ceremony of FESAAL’s creation, its Executive Committee was formed, including Writers & Directors Worldwide President and DAC Secretary Horacio Maldonado as FESAAL’s Secretary General. ARGENTORES and AGLyD President Miguel Ángel Diani as well as DASC and ADAL President Mario Mitrotti will be in charge of the federation for the next three years.